The Edward German discography

Recordings of The Emerald Isle


When Sir Arthur Sullivan, England's then-most popular composer, died in November 1900, his last work, The Emerald Isle, was left unfinished. The task of completing the score then fell to Edward German, who Sullivan proclaimed to be the only composer worthy of succeeding him.

German certainly had a share of experiences in composition for orchestra, but had written only one opera, The Rival Poets, to date. His joint collaboration with Basil Hood would be the start of his nine year career of writing for the stage.

Because The Emerald Isle is partly a Sullivan opera, listings and introduction also appear on Marc Shepherd's discography and the Gilbert and Sullivan Archive. I would suggest that you view those pages in supplement to this one since I have comparatively llittle else to say about the opera.
The Listener (London, England) announced a radio broadcast of the opera for Wednesday, February 13, 1929.

Recordings of The Emerald Isle
There are no known original cast recordings of selections, although military bands recorded a number of selections. The best recording I have found is the one by the G&S Society of Victoria, though it is not a commercial recording. The opera still awaits its professional recording. Please contact me if I missed one.

Louie Pounds as Molly O'Grady