The Edward German discography

Royal English Opera Selections from Fallen Fairies 


Scott Farrell, baritone

Marilyn Strong, soprano

Alexandrea Davis, mezzo

Aleta Boyette, alto

Carolyn VanBlack - piano

Mardon Blomgren - piano

In the early days of the Royal English Opera Company, they recorded two albums of "opera rareties", both of which featured two selections each from Fallen Fairies. The first album, issued with The Sapphire Necklace im 2000, included the songs "With all the misery" and "For many an hour". Mardon Blomgren was the pianist for both of these. In 2001, a full album of rareties was recorded with the songs "When husband supposes" and "Oh Love That Rulest in Our Land," with Carolyn VanBlack as the pianist. It is unfortunate that neither album was very good, especially the former for its inferior recording quality. While the second album was a vast technical improvement, it ruthlessly exposed the intonation problems and faulty techniques of the singers. Neither one enjoyed wide circulation and achieved no praise. Both were withdrawn from the Royal English Opera catalogue very quickly, and the master tapes were, perhaps for the best, destroyed.

Issue History

The Sapphire Necklace/ Opera Rareties Vol. 1 - cassette issue only. 2000.

Opera Rareties, Vol. 2. Cassette and CD issue. 2001. Grey Guys LTD Studio.

Other recordings of Fallen Fairies